How To Sell Your Junk Car And Make Some Money Doing It

Junk cars or trucks are often not worth a lot of money, so getting cash for junk cars can be difficult, but there are a few ways that you can. The process is not as complicated as some people may think, and if you are realistic about the price you hope to get, you may be able to get the car out of the yard and make money doing it. 

Junk Car Removal

There are many ads online and posted in local places like bulletin boards at the grocery store or on utility poles in the area that claim they will pay cash for junk cars. Most of these services are legitimate businesses, and many times they will come to you, look at the car, and give you a price to haul it away. 

The service is not concerned with the car's condition because they are not going to repair it or try to make it run. The cash for junk cars service will recycle your car piece by piece with the local scrapyard. 

The cash they are offering is real, and once they buy the car from you, they will haul it away and then take all the non-metallic parts off the vehicle. When nothing is left but the metal, the car is hauled to the scrapyard, weighed, and the scrapyard will pay them for the amount of material at the current market price.

In some cases, the cash for junk cars service will make more on the car than they paid for it, but there is a lot of prep work that they must do before the car can go to the scrapyard, and the parts that are not metal need to be disposed of as well. Sometimes these parts are sold online or as used parts, but even that can take time to find a buyer and place ads for the items.

Scraping Your Car

You might want to sell your car to the scrapyard yourself. After all, you might make more money for it, but the work involved is difficult, requires specialty tools and equipment, and takes a lot of time. Even if you strip the body yourself, you would still need a trailer to move the car to the scrapyard and see what they would pay for it. 

Contact a service that offers cash for junk cars, and you may find that the price you get is lower because you are only selling one car. When you are ready to scrap your old car, the easiest and most efficient option is to sell the junk car for cash and let someone else do all the dirty work. 

About Me

Basic Car Knowledge

My name is Tammy, and I have discovered that it only takes a little bit of information to become someone who can easily perform routine tasks and small repairs on just about any car. You can save time and money by doing repairs yourself, and it really isn't hard at all. I used to be intimidated by cars, and I took my car to a professional for every little problem. Now my car only goes to a mechanic for the big stuff. I do the small work on my own. This blog will teach you some small fixes and tasks you can do on your own car.